Sunday, May 13, 2012

Just 27 days to go - so time to say thanks!


Grilled up Mom a nice steak for dinner and opened our pool, plus did a little gardening with my son - had to get his bean plants in the ground- anyway this weeks post is probably my last one to one personal thought sharing type until I begin the OldGuy walk, The next couple of weekends I will be doing some camping with the family and then the weekend before OGW starts will be out of town on a business trip. I will try to update everyone on how to track my progress (hopefully with daily photos) during the trip. So for my last writing attempt- read below!!!  
One of the most important things I have gained from my experience while building up this fundraising tribute in memory of my mom was the surprising discovery of those special qualities in very special people. This is not much but I wanted to post this update and give my sincere heart-felt thanks to all those who have helped make the dream of OldGuy Walk come to life. Everyone who has contributed to this cause deserve my many thanks but the folks I am about to mention have gone beyond. Their spirit is what makes OLDGUY WALK be what it has become. Than you all for helping me try to make a difference. 

Jen my wife. Without you I never would have had the strength or courage to continue on,  You were there after the loss of my mother to hold me up. You were there when the doctors told me I needed a knee replacement, this after spending 9 months training to walk across the state and yet you kept me believing in the dream of OldGuy Walk. You put up with me, being left alone as I train like a fiend and leaving you with all the parenting duties, and still  you make me feel like I'm trying to be a good dad. Then you took on the coordinating responsibilities of OGWoff my back even while maintaining a very tough work situation and moving towards your masters degree.  If there was ever a testament to our marriage this was it and you keep everything together, I only wish I was a fraction as strong as you, because if I was ,then I would have been able to cross the entire country- heck walk to Mars.   I love you very much - Thank you forever!

B - You met me when my head hanging low days after my dream of walking the State was yanked away! Instead of putting up with my whoa is me attitude you put me into refocusing my attentions on the end gains. You are the type of person who opens their heart to those in need and for that I am eternally grateful to have crossed your path and gained a good friend.   Also the people that you have helped me to connect to have provided more to the effort of making this thing grow. You are one of those amazing people that makes the world around us a better place to live. Thanks for everything!!

KV- You are the person who really knows how to motivate people. With a no BS approach you lead by example and have that never quit perspective on life. If the world could bottle up the energy and zest you have there wouldn't be a energy problem.   Thanks for not letting me not get away with not giving 100% effort when I really need to keep pushing forward. You rock!!!

WT - Beyond me tapping into your expertise and providing the best advise to be healthier and more fit what stands out most is your incredible gift to listen. I will always fondly remember how awesome you were the day we met and how you let me pour out my emotional floodwater's and talk about the loss I felt over my mom's passing. It was the first time I shared those thoughts since her funeral.  No judging, just compassion- wow you are one special person- you change people lives!! I will try to remember to be an elevator instead of an escalator.
CD - Having you not only as a friend but also as someone who went out their way to offer your hand to support my crazy event not only surprised me but touched me heart. Thanks for for everything from being a golf buddy to camping colleague but also for being so grounded and helping keep me from taking things to serious.

BR - You gave to my cause without question and offered to go that extra mile without being asked.  I wish more people had as deep a soul as you have. It's clear that it means something to you to help people and I am very lucky to have joined your class. You are a leader among us. My sincere gratitude for all you have done.

LS - You took time from a hectic lifestyle to give to my cause and not ask for a thing in return. You hardly know me but you gave, not because you needed a thanks but just because it was the right thing for you to do. I know that  no thanks is necessary,  is your way - but so what- Thank YOU Thank YOU and Thank YOU!!! Don't ever stop being you.

MW - You went beyond with your generosity to OGW. From putting up with me always talking about and planning OGW to lending your kind words of encouragement. I'm glad to have met you. Thanks!

KP - Thanks for helping me promote and get the message out. You never doubted I would be able to deliver my message to the public and showed great tolerance when last second circumstance's occurred. Thanks for keeping me focused on the message- it really pulled me thru a scary 6 minutes. BIG THANKS REQUIRED!

Last but not least- MY Dad - We both faced a huge loss. I can't picture what I will do if I ever need to face losing such an important part of my life , but as always thanks for the roadmap.  I know how hard it must be to face this reminder of such a loss but I want you to know that every inch I cover through out this upcoming adventure is as much for you as it is for the memories of her. Thanks Pops - could not do it without you!
Again to all those who are supporting my walk,  I have to pinch myself for how much everyone has opened their arms to me and  this event. BIG THANKS TO ALL!!!  

With just little time to go before I embark on the challenge I will be adding planning details to the next few postings. Anyone who wants to ask,  please share your thoughts via comments on what you want to know more about or have any questions on how I will track my progress though-out the journey.
Dont' forget to track my daily progress via my Facebook link if you have an account.

Chat soon!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Finally a view of my OldGuy Route

My entire Oldguy Route- click on link to see

And here's a snapshot of the first walk on Friday June 15th - I know some supporters asked to join me so here's a shorter stroll to start the last day of the OldGuy trip. Please let me know if you want to join me that morning.               'Darboy Community Park to Heart of the Valley YMCA'. 2.5 miles
                                                   Just email

Saturday, May 5, 2012

34 days to OldGuyWalk (OGW) - Wonderful week to report

I have really enjoyed these past few days.  Because of all you wonderful generous folks my dream of raising both money and awareness for Lung Cancer research & the need for early detection is coming true.

With your help we have raised nearly $2000 already!!! 

The goal of raising $5000 is still within reach but not without more assistance - Please spread the word to those who you think would be willing to support the effort- ask them to join the OldGuy team today!!

First I had great success distributing T-shirts. After getting 52 shirts shipped into me only 10 days ago I only have 8 left. To say that it was unexpected would be an understatement but what a pleasant surprise. I may still reorder more but before I do I ask anyone following my Blog or Facebook to help me out!  Just send me an email to and let me know you want to get a OldGuy shirt and let me know your size and color choice and I can place a 2nd order by weeks end. It  should only take about 2 weeks to get them, so you can still show your support against lung cancer and for my walking challenge before I start it on June 9th. All I ask is a $15 gift be made to the event for each shirt requested. 

Also it's time to firm up all supporter's who are willing to join me in walking or biking any part of the route. In preparation I am traveling my entire trail tomorrow, in fact I hope to have the final OGW map in a readable file posted to the blog by next week’s update.

We have also updated the LUNGevity link if you prefer sending a gift through the online link  Make a donation today!  Note: if you have already sent in your gift via the old link it will not show up right away, they are still figuring out how to move it to the new tracking thermometer on this new updated site.

Last but certainly not least I had a exciting 6 plus minutes of fame this week and the honor to be interviewed on WTMJ's channel 4's own "The Morning Blend" by Molly & Tiffany!!! Please check out this link and view my appearance on the show and let me know how I did. 

Keep in mind that this has been about 15 month process for me and I am eager to finally test out my new leg muscles as I embark on the OldGuy challenge.  I ask everyone to pray for good weather and god willing we should be celebrating at the Lazy Dog bar'n'grill on Saturday June 16th!!!


*next week- giving thanks to some special people!